Hobonichi just launched the preview website for the 2019 store. As usual, I’ll be talking about the covers that piqued my interest. So let’s start!
As I previously mentioned in my tweets, I find most of the covers this year a bit disappointing. The only cover that caught my eye (after surfing through the cover pages one by one) is soda water by mina perhonen.

This cover looks really simple at a glance but is actually packed with fine little details. I find the color combinations gorgeous and calming.

The A6 size ‘cover only’ costs ¥9,720 and ¥11,880 – 12,420 for the ‘book & cover set’. I plan to get the avec A6 size again for this year since I find that the most compatible with my journaling habit and style.

This cover is a zipper style cover. The zipper pull has a butterfly charm on it, which is a trademark of mina perhonen zipper covers. I’ve never purchased a zipper style cover so this will probably be my first one (if this thing does not go out of stock the day it gets released.)
I usually get a set of A6 and Weeks. The former for journaling and the latter for school and expense. However, I did not find any eye-catching covers for this year so I’m still not sure whether I’ll get one. For the meantime, I’m eyeing this ‘Gentle Navy‘ weeks planner.

This is probably the only neutral color that I like from the entire lineup because it matches beautifully with the 2019 cover on cover.

Together with this cover and cover, it transforms the plain navy cover into a beautiful one in an instant. ‘Gentle Navy’ sells for ¥1,944 and the cover for ¥421.
That’s all for the covers that I plan to purchase for 2019! Which covers caught your interest? Do you plan on buying one?
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