Today I got an email notification that I have yet failed another job application. This time I failed the application for a retail/sales position for this tech company you guys probably know. The reason why they failed me, though, was rather on the funnier side. Their excuse was “it’s hard for us to provide Visa support for you so…”
Heck, I’m here on a student visa, it’s not hard for me to switch to a working visa if the company is willing to issue a letter or something. I’m pretty sure the whole visa excuse is a lie.
I mean, I would prefer if they say it to my face that my performance in interviews didn’t meet their expectations or something. If they said something as silly as being unable to provide Visa support led them to fail me, then they should just put a label on their job posting saying, “JAPANESE LOCALS ONLY.”
But I bet they won’t do that because it’s “racist”. Ha.
I only have 5 remaining job applications that I need to wait on. If I fail all five then eh … Goodbye Japan.
It’s a great country to live in. But never a great one to work in anyways.
But the next problem would be “how to return home without infecting my whole family.”
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