I may have to leave Japan?

Today I got an email notification that I have yet failed another job application. This time I failed the application for a retail/sales position for this tech company you guys probably know. The reason why they failed me, though, was rather on the funnier side. Their excuse was “it’s hard for us to provide Visa support for you so…”

Heck, I’m here on a student visa, it’s not hard for me to switch to a working visa if the company is willing to issue a letter or something. I’m pretty sure the whole visa excuse is a lie.

I mean, I would prefer if they say it to my face that my performance in interviews didn’t meet their expectations or something. If they said something as silly as being unable to provide Visa support led them to fail me, then they should just put a label on their job posting saying, “JAPANESE LOCALS ONLY.”

But I bet they won’t do that because it’s “racist”. Ha.

I only have 5 remaining job applications that I need to wait on. If I fail all five then eh … Goodbye Japan.

It’s a great country to live in. But never a great one to work in anyways.

But the next problem would be “how to return home without infecting my whole family.”


3 responses to “I may have to leave Japan?”

  1. Hanako Avatar

    First off, I’m very sorry to hear. The company doesn’t know what they’re missing out, and just give them the middle finger, or both! Because f*ck ’em! Secondly, if the next five places rejects you, then also f*ck em! Give Japan the big ol’ middle finger and before returning home, go on a mini f*ck it vacation! Sorry, I’m feeling super aggressive today. It may be for the best to return home and look for a job there or another country. What were you studying for in Uni? I’m sure there are plenty of places outside of Japan hiring. And when you do come home, just bawl your eyes out. You’re allowed to cry. Hell, do it while listening to rain and piano music. In the end, it’ll make you feel a little bit better. I’m a person who doesn’t cry very often, and when I do, I end up falling asleep, and waking up feeling a little bit better about life, and that’s just enough to keep you going. Life is hard. No one tells you this when you’re a child. No one tells you that it sucks being an adult and what you have to face because no one wants to discourage their child. Life is also unfair, even more so as an adult. It’s hard not to compare your life to other people’s and it sucks. The one thing you got going for you is that you’re young. It’s good to be young in the work force. If you like to email me your interview pitch, maybe we can work on it together. I’ll even get my super smart husband involved if we have to. I’m not sure what Japanese companies are looking for though, so if you can brief me on that, I’ll be glad to help you. Especially if you’re not ready to give up on your dreams of staying in Japan. Might have to go home for a year, but the following year, try again. And treat yourself. Things are going back to normal here (although, I don’t think the shouldn’t just yet), but maybe a small treat like ice cream or coffee could cheer you up? Or play a violent video game like Borderlands? When I was angry at my store manager, I would pretend everyone I shoot was him. It was satisfying for me. Really blew off a lot of steam. I also like to angrily throw things away while I was a work. Hearing glass shattering at the end of the garbage compactor was satisfying too. Just got to find that outlet that works for you. I’m sorry that I’m not much help, but I hope you feel better after reading this. You’re a young, very capable, smart individual. Don’t forget that. Don’t let anyone make you feel less. “With each day, I will take smaller steps toward my joy.” “There may be trouble ahead, but I am strong enough to face it.” You got this.

    1. Rin Avatar

      Thank you for your comment! Lol. To be honest, I didn’t feel anger when I got the rejection letter but it’s fascinating to see that you and my friends reacted with frustration and anger. 😆 It makes me feel that I’m really loved and cared for haha :’)

      My parents are basically stating that it’s almost impossible to get a job everywhere now since businesses are slowing down. But financially, it’s better for me to just go home since wasting money on rent and living expenses in Japan could be quite a lot. I’d really love to fly home ASAP but Indonesian airports aren’t open for international flights yet (except you have a special letter or sth).

      I cried a lot out of frustration and desperation but I did feel better afterward! I really appreciate your encouraging words and advice. They’re really a great help to get me back on my feet! I feel like I could give myself one more push to try again.

      I’m really grateful to have a friend like you! Thank you so much! <3

  2. Hanako Avatar

    I guess for myself, I would find it more frustrating than heartbreaking. I’m sure when I was your age, I would have been heartbroken/sad. I’m glad you have a lot of friends that provide the encouragement that you need. I treasure our friendship despite the huge age-gap. In fact, I see you more like a younger sister. I hate that I live pretty much on the other side of the world, and I wish I could help you more. Anyways, don’t forget your worth. It’s easy to get lost in your brain and spiral into a pool of negativity (my husband calls it big headed-ness and it happens to me all the time). If you ever need anyone to talk to, please feel free to email me. You are not going to bother me or annoy me if that’s what you’re afraid of. If you don’t want me to reply, it’s okay to say so. Sometimes just talking about what’s on your mind is enough without someone trying to give advice. Hopefully the pandemic is less of a pandemic by the time summer rolls around. And I really hope you can get home sooner than later. Sometimes, just being home with your parents is all that you need to feel so much better about life. Trust me, when I visit my mom, it’s just so comforting (and this is coming from a person in her mid-30s.) It’s comforting and I can just cry and get the reassurance from my mom. From all the stories about your mom, it sounds like you two are close. If you need anything, feel free to reach out to me. I’m always available. I’m also glad that I was able to uplift you. 🙂

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