2016 Overview



Right, it’s new year already. I gotta prepare for lots of things since national exams are around the corner (help!). I’ve filled my new planner with the dates on which tryouts will take place. And as expected I already have two exams on the waiting list even though the new term hasn’t even started yet. (Ugh).

Current plans and goals

  • Finish university essays before school starts
  • Get my report cards translated by the 2nd week of January
  • Prepare for tryouts a week before it starts (God bless me for being diligent)
  • University result notification on 29th of February
  • Attend the interview for the university (if I pass the screening) in February
  • Review for my practical exams (starts on the 3rd week of February)
  • Final exams starts on 14th of March and ends on the 23rd
  • National Examination on April (dates unknown yet)
  • Attend the prom (a.k.a farewell party)

Other than that, I do plan to attend a Japanese language school if I get accepted in the university. The course will probably take 3 months long. 🙂

I’m not really sure I’ll have a decent leisure time after this holiday ends so I won’t be able to update much. Heck, I doubt I’ll have the time to post lengthy wall of texts in the future. Anyways, I hope your goals would also work out smoothly this year! ♥


One response to “2016 Overview”

  1. Wow! You sound so busy! Btw, belated merry Christmas and happy new year! I hope this new year brings you much happiness! I will look forward to seeing a post from you again, even if it’s just a “Hi! I’m busy!” post!

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