Finding a part time job


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Yesterday I found an online job opening for the small fancy bakery near my apartment. They were looking for part timers but the description states that they don’t accept students and the details seemed like it’s trying to appeal to mothers who want extra income for their family. Technically, I’m not a student anymore, yet I’m not an office worker. I guess that makes me fall into the jobless category? Lol. I’m not sure if they’ll want a foreigner, but I decided I’ll give it a try the next day (which is today).

I woke up and mustered all my courage to call the bakery to ask if they’re still hiring but a minute went by and nobody answered the phone. I checked the website again and realized that today (Tuesdays) are their days off, which was why no one picked up the store phone.

Frustrated at myself, I decided to do some random painting. If you remember my past ravel posts, it’s the one where I visited Hakone to see Lake Ashi. This was probably the ‘simplest’ scenery I could find in my camera. I don’t think it turned out that great, but I guess it’s better than fucking the art up and stopping in the middle (like my other previous paintings in that book lol).

I’m going to try calling again tomorrow. I hope the bakery’s still hiring and are willing to accept me.


5 responses to “Finding a part time job”

  1. I really hope they hire you! It’s a lot of fun to work in a bakery, or at least that’s what I think! lol I been trying to work at one for ages, but most local bakeries here only hire family which makes me mad because they shouldn’t have a now hiring sign on their window for display then. Anyways, I really thought your artwork was professionally done. I thought it was another page from your calendar or something along those lines! You should be proud of yourself! It looks great! (Art isn’t suppose to be perfect!)

    1. Update: They rejected my application and stated the reason was because ‘You’re a student and we don’t accept one’, which is really curious. I stated in the application page that I graduated, so technically I’m not one anymore. I guess they just saw my name and immediately associated me for being a foreigner exchange student and rejected me right way. That, or they just don’t want foreigners working there. Haha.

      I shot them an email asking for clarification, though no one knows if they’ll actually reply to that since they way I worded the sentences were pretty blatant. From what I know, Japanese hates direct confrontation. Even if this truly is a misunderstanding caused by them for not reading my application properly, I don’t think I’d wanna work with people who just assume things. I’d probably be better off working at other places.

  2. I honestly think you did the right thing in inquiring about why they think you’re still a student when you’re clearly not. It’s a little bias of them to just do that, and you should be assertive, but not rude. If they think you’re just not qualified for the position, then they should just say that. I know one bakery told me that I lacked experience even though I baked all the time at home. I even told them that I’m a quick learner and eager to learn, but they still refused me. They told me to come back when I have “real” experience. I know how you feel. I’m sure there are other retail jobs out there waiting for someone who’s eager to work. BUT, but do NOT disclose that you have a job coming up in April. No business doesn’t want to feel like their second-rated, and sometimes no one wants to hire someone who’s only going to work for a couple of months. They’ll see it as a waste of time to train someone and then they leave them for something better.

    1. They actually replied to my inquiry (although a couple of hours later). They said they completely ‘missed’ the word ‘graduated’ and only offered one line of apology that doesn’t even seem sincere to me. Lol. Nonetheless, they said they’d be glad to interview me and so I did. The interviewer was this nice lady worker (though I’m not sure if she’s the same person who replied to my emails). She said she’s going to let me know the results on another day because there are other candidates as well. We shall see …

  3. I’m glad she emailed back. That’s really annoying that she didn’t read it correctly. I hope you hear something positive back!

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