Week 30 Update

Although a lot of things happened this week, it felt slower compared to the previous weeks. I was busy preparing for an interview on Monday and underwent the interview on Tuesday. I immediately felt exhausted and that I’ve lived the rest of the days in this week in one go. Haha. But entertainment came to the rescue.

The novel got delivered to my mailbox the same day I finished my interview. I was so excited to receive it but I guess I was a bit disappointed in the quality of the cover. There are a couple of damages which I’m guessing happened due to the shipping process. That aside, I find the storytelling really intriguing.

I also stumbled upon this photo printing service online where you can send pictures you want to get printed through an app and they will print and ship it out to you by mail. They provide 8 free pictures each month with 20 yen per one extra picture. In case you decide to just get 8, then you only need to pay for the shipping fee. Looking at the picture quality, I must say it’s not a bad price! Though I’m not sure if I’m going to get this next month as well since I was just testing the waters and looking for something new haha. Maybe a dedicated photo printer would be more cost-efficient?

Well all these stuff aside, I’ve been experimenting a lot with my camera this week trying to take random videos from various angles. It’s actually kind of hard to get the angles since what I picture in my mind doesn’t come out exactly as what I expected in the camera haha. Having a small apartment only makes it more difficult to test out stuff. But it’s fun nonetheless. The other day, I struggled so much to make another random video featuring the novel and the pictures haha.

I should get back on track and work on more job applications since the deadline’s the end of this month. But I keep getting sidetracked with other stuff like worrying about my interview results or just reading more manga or drawing or sleeping. Lol. Gotta pull myself together. July’s almost over.


4 responses to “Week 30 Update”

  1. Hanako Avatar

    I hope that your interview went well! I hope that you hear something soon about it! I know it’s hard and depressing, but everyone has to go through it right now. You’ll find something! Also, your video editing was very well done! I love your little pinwheel! It’s so cute! I have a little Hello Kitty pinwheel too! Anyways, how far did you get in the book? I’ve only read a little bit because I been so busy, but my in-laws will be home soon so I’ll have more free time!

    1. Rin Avatar

      I thought it went well but I actually didn’t pass it (again). For some reason, I always do well until the 2nd stage and I just suddenly get dropped lol. I don’t know where else to look. (Well, there are a lot of companies ‘hiring’ but I don’t know where else to look for companies who specifically will want to hire me, haha.)

      I got around 80 pages inside the book but haven’t been able to continue it yet. Maybe once I get out of my stupid depression cycle again.

  2. Hanako Avatar

    I can understand that. It might be time to look for work in companies that you don’t have interest in. I know it doesn’t sound like much fun, but it can be temporary until you find something better. I worked plenty of shit retail/barista jobs just because I had to until I found something better (although that’s all I worked was retail/food). Sometimes working shit jobs just for the experience is worth your while. Regarding the book, I think you read more than me! I don’t have page counts, only a percentage of what I read. xD Try to find something to do while feeling depressed. And remember, if you’re able to get out of bed, it’s a good day. 🙂

    1. Rin Avatar

      Yeah, I’ve been trying to look into other companies as well but I always have a hard time writing the “why are you interested in us” part of the application lol.

      I read pretty quickly if I’m in the mood to swallow everything up in one go. I did that several times with fantasy novels like Percy Jackson where I just read the whole thing in one day haha.

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